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CasinoGuruOnline.com – Craps Rules
With over one hundred different betting options, craps games can be overwhelming for the new player. How can they possibly get so many different bets out of a single roll of the dice? Which bets are the best? Which ones have the best odds of winning? Which ones have the best payouts? Can I play more than one number at a time? What’s the difference between the “Pass Line” and the “Don’t Pass Line”? At CasinoGuruOnline.com, our Guide to Craps Rules will help you play craps the winning way!
Before you put your money on the table, here are a few common terms to know when you play craps:
SHOOTER: This person rolls the dice. In a craps game, players bet on what the shooter will roll.
COME-OUT ROLL: The new shooter’s first roll.
POINT: If the come-out roll is a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten, this number is the point.
PASS BET: The most basic bet in craps, as well as one of the bets with the best odds, players make their Pass bet before the come-out roll. Another name for this bet in craps games is a “front-line” bet or a “win” bet. Craps rules allow players to win their Pass bet if the come-out roll is a seven or eleven. The bet loses if the come-out roll is a two, three or twelve, also known as “crapping out”. After the shooter establishes the point number in a craps game, the Pass bet also wins if the shooter rolls his point number again before he rolls a seven.
DON’T-PASS BET: The opposite of the Pass bet, it is also called a “back-line” bet or a “lose” bet. In a craps game, the Don’t-Pass bet wins if the shooter rolls a two or three on his come-out roll, loses if the come-out roll is a seven or eleven and ties on a come-out roll of twelve. After the shooter establishes the point number in a craps game, the Don’t Pass bet also wins if the shooter rolls a seven before he rolls his point number again.
COME BET: Similar to the Pass bet, but can only be made after the come-out roll. In a standard craps game, Come bets win on rolls of seven or eleven and lose on rolls of two, three or twelve. If none of those numbers are rolled, the new number sets a “come point”. If the shooter rolls the “come point” again before he rolls a seven, the bet wins. Come bets allow players to expand their chances at winning in craps games.
DON’T-COME BET: The opposite of the Come bet. If the shooter rolls a seven before the “come point” again, the bet wins.
ODDS BET: The only “true odds” bet in the casino, as it carries no “house edge”. After you place your Pass/Don’t Pass or Come/Don’t Come bets, you can place additional chips behind these bets. Odds bets are the best bets available in any craps game.
CasinoGuruOnline.com also offers links to numerous prestigious online craps games through our sponsor casinos. Players can gain a great learning experience and a enjoy a fun environment by playing craps online, and our sponsor sites have the best online craps games on the Internet today.
CasinoGuruOnline.com – Craps Strategy
While the environment at a craps table may not bring to mind the idea of strategic thinking, craps strategy is a key component of success at the game. After all, isn’t winning always more enjoyable? These craps strategy ideas will help you play smart, have fun and, with a bit of luck, put some more money in your pocket!
Craps Strategy: Watch Your Bankroll
As with any casino game, bankroll management is a key to a successful craps strategy. Make sure that you have enough bankroll for the limits at your table. Even the best craps strategy in the world won’t work if you’re putting down so much that a single roll could wipe you out. Parse out your bets accordingly and spread your risk.
Also, always know how much you can afford to lose. If your craps strategy requires a bankroll limited to $500, don’t push past that amount and don’t run up your credit card. Take a deep breath, stall for time and get your head back in the right place.
On the other hand, you should also recognize when you’re ahead by a substantial amount. If you feel your craps strategy is still working, take a small step up in your bets – don’t try to jump from $5 to $100 a bet! If you think you’ve reached a comfortable profit level, color up and cash out. It’s your money now so don’t give it back!
Craps Strategy: Watch for the Best Bets
With so many options, some players may opt for a craps strategy of gunning for the highest payouts without regard to odds or house edge. Such thinking displays a poor grasp of true craps strategy. While playing the odds and reducing house edges may seem boring to the action-crazed gambler, these ideas are the backbone of intelligent craps strategies.
The easiest parts of basic craps strategy to remember are to stay with the Pass/Don’t Pass and Come/Don’t Come bets, as well as playing the maximum odds bets available. All of the more obscure bets (such as those in the middle of the table) carry long odds and high house edge percentages. In the case of craps strategies, slow and steady really does win the race!
Craps Strategy: Watch Your Head
During a long session at the craps tables, you may feel yourself losing track of your time, money and energy. After hours of slow, steady, winning play, you may feel the impulse to let it all ride on one high-risk, high-payout bet. You’ve forgotten everything you’ve learned about craps strategy and risked all that hard work on a silly whim.
If you start to feel the desire to make a rash, unthinking decision such as this, walk away! You’ll feel so much better about yourself when you walk to the cage with those high-dollar chips. Think about how much worse you’d feel if you walked away with nothing except that nagging question, “What was I thinking?”
All of our online casino sponsors can help you practice your craps strategy techniques. Check out some of the great deals we have for CasinoGuruOnline.com visitors at some of the greatest online gaming sites on the planet!
CasinoGuruOnline.com – Craps Tips
Our craps tips can greatly improve your chances of winning and enjoying the fun atmosphere at the craps table. These craps tips will help you stick with winning tactics and avoid all the pitfalls and traps of the various “sucker bets”.
Craps Tip: Most of your bets should be the Pass/Don’t Pass and Come/Don’t Come bets. With a house advantage on each of these bets of 1.5% or less, this is one of the best deals in the entire casino, not just the craps table.
Craps Tip: Play the odds (bets). The best bet at the craps table is the odds bets that you can make on the pass line and the come line. The don’t-pass and don’t-come bets also offer true odds, but the lower payouts reflect the less appealing odds. Also, remember to take the maximum odds bets allowable by the house rules. One Las Vegas casino offers 100x odds bets, reducing the house advantage on the combined pass line/odds bet to a miniscule 0.02%! Craps Tip: Play the “place” option on 6 and 8. If you expect the shooter to roll a 6 or 8 before he rolls a 7, then the “place” bets are good options to add some variety to your game. Payout on these bets is 7 to 6 (pays $14 on a $12 bet), so it’s slightly better than even money. With a house advantage of only 1.52%, these bets have a similar house edge to the standard pass/don’t pass bets.
Craps Tip: Lay it down for 4 and 10. When you put down a “lay” bet on a number, you’re betting that the shooter will roll a seven before he rolls that number. Due to the weaker odds, the payout structure for lay bets is also not as strong as for place bets. Lay bets on 4 or 10 pay out at 1 to 2 (pays $5 on a $10 bet) minus a 5% commission. In most cases, the house edge is about 2.44%, but this advantage can go even lower if the rules allow the casino to take their commission only on winning bets. Check the rules at your online gaming site to see which circumstances apply to their games. Now that you know which bets are the best, here’s a list of some of the “sucker bets” you want to avoid:
Craps Tip: Stay away from the “Any 7” bet. Although the game of craps is structured primarily around the number 7, that fact doesn’t always make it the best bet. In fact, the odds of rolling a seven are better than those of rolling any other number (5 to 1), but most craps games only pay out a successful roll at 4 to 1. This discrepancy sets the house edge at 16.67%, by far the worst bet at the craps table.
Craps Tip: Don’t go to extremes. The highest payout odds in craps are the single-number bets on 2 and twelve. At 30 to 1, these bets fuel the dreams of players who want to hit it big! For only $10, a single lucky roll could net you $300! The main problem with these bets is that the true odds of hitting either of these numbers is 35 to 1, for a house edge of 13.89%.
Craps Tip: Stay off center. On most craps tables, the highest-paying bets sit in a square near the center of the layout. Most of these bets carry steep house edge percentages. These bets are a prime of example of the casino saying, “When you lose, you lose and when you win, you still lose!”

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